

Joseph Dana Allen Award Winners 2024

威廉·凌里根,1924年玛丽莎·特里奥拉,24岁 是著名的约瑟夫·达纳·艾伦奖的获得者. Joseph Dana Allen, Head of School from 1917-1948. This award recognizes the highest scholarship combined with exceptional character.

At Poly’s 167th 毕业典礼 on June 14, 2024, 他们发表了一篇演讲,反映了他们作为2024届37名成员中的第一批,从低年级的幼儿园学生开始的集体经历. 他们的合作演讲强调了他们的毕业班在更大的世界中独特和决定性的经历, 共同工作的价值, 以及保利通过宝贵的空间和独特的机会传授的知识成长. 他们还对保利教育为他们带来的一切表示感谢. 欣赏他们富有洞察力的演讲, 致力于表彰他们15年来教育中每一个有影响力的部分.



各位老师、职员、校董、家人、朋友们,最重要的是,2024届的毕业生们,大家早上好! 今天,我们非常荣幸能在这里讲述我们是如何被保利和同学们塑造的. 

William 和 I have both been at Poly since the very beginning of our education, starting in Nursery at the 较低的学校 in September 2009. 对我们来说,一起发表这个演讲尤其有意义,因为我们从记事起就认识彼此了. 在过去的十五年里, 保利塑造了我们的成长和变化(尽管威廉长得比我高一点). 我们的班级从最初的37名学生发展到今天的138名学生,这是一个非常多样化和有成就的社区. 

Marisa Triola '24 和 William Ling-Regan '24 speaking at 毕业典礼

Our journey has spanned smoke from wildfires, 全市范围的洪水, 一场地震, 日食, 全球流行病. 此时此刻, we’re only a few feet away from where we started our high school journey on Tuesday, 9月8日, 2020, 但我们已经走了这么远. 我还记得九年级的第一天下了公共汽车,看到后面的田野里铺满了白色的帐篷和蓝色的露营椅. In our first few months of high school, we had to adapt to learning through masks, 在户外, 视天气而定. 仍然, our grade has always found new ways to work together, 无论是在Zoom上与我们的俱乐部见面,还是在课间穿过草地时互相了解. 本着这种精神, 我们想分享我们在保利学到的一个重要经验:合作的重要性.


Since those first few months on the back fields, 我们班充分利用了保利校园的每一个角落和它所提供的每一个机会. 从冠军赛和后院的俱乐部博览会到走廊里的艺术展再到我们在教室里的毕业典礼演讲, we’ve gotten so much from our campus, but even more from our classmates. All of these moments have been achieved through the support 和 teamwork of our peers.

But it’s not only our big moments of coming together that make our grade who we are, it’s the small—but never insignificant—interactions that build our community, 从在公共场所为水果沙拉中的葡萄和菠萝而争吵,到在去公共汽车的路上的谈话,再到在图书馆一起学习(总是以尊重的音量阅读)。. 

William Ling-Regan '24 speaking at 毕业典礼

Next year, we will be scattered throughout the country 和 even the world. 我们再也不能成为带领学校走出教堂的高年级学生或者在午餐时间吃戴克百吉饼的高年级学生. 秋天再也不会有蓝魔之夜春天也不会有坐在院子里的日子了. 值得庆幸的是, 我们的父母再也不会收到电子邮件说我们忘记登录了,也不会有更多的人在我们的房子外面露营,向我们泼水. 这一切都是说,在一起四年之后,我们的距离明年将是一个巨大的变化. 然而, we’ll take with us all of these memories, 无论大小, 和 the collaboration that Poly has taught us to value. 


保利的第一届董事会设想了一个在“所有那些可以扩大理解的学习和造诣”方面表现出色的学生群体, 培养心理活动, 修炼心灵, 和 beautify 和 adorn the intellect 和 the heart.” I think that our class has come to embody this vision. 在过去的四年里, 我们在课堂内外都发现了新的兴趣,发展了新的技能. 我们每个人在智力和心灵方面都有了很大的成长,但我们都不是独自做到的. Poly has taught us that even when we’re pursuing our own individual goals, our classmates are always there to support us.

In my senior year Electronics class with Mr. [Matthew] Futterman, our projects involved designing 和 building circuits. 当我们尝试新的电子元件和电路设计时, 我们遇到了许多路障. But this class reminded me of the importance of working with my classmates. 我发现,盯着自己故障的神经回路看远不如倾听同龄人的意见有效, who were in similar situations but had different approaches. I learned that even if I could think of only one solution, there are always more.

I’ve also found collaboration to be most important in History Club. 在博士的指导下. (弗吉尼亚州)狄龙, 我们的俱乐部参加了国家历史日竞赛,项目主题从二战期间的女性密码分析, to activist 和 photographer Corky Lee. Whether I was researching 和 creating a project individually or in a group, 在历史俱乐部和比赛中取得的许多成就都归功于我们的合作. 通过阅读彼此的作品, 畅所欲言, 辅导年轻社员, 或者只是分享零食, we not only created successful projects but also created our own small community. 


在我和老师的英语课上. (肖恩)穆林, 我们认真研究了美国文学中的个人主义人物:亨利·大卫·梭罗, who went to live alone in the woods, 致杰伊·盖茨比, who created a new identity for himself, 致苏拉·皮斯, who refused to live her life on anyone else’s terms. From these singular individuals, I learned the importance of independence 和 self-identification, 但有些矛盾的是, I also learned just how important other people are to our development. My classmates 和 I would come to class every day excited to share our ideas, 和 in discussions that lasted the entire period, we would build upon one another’s comments, 经常不同意, 但总是通过彼此讨论来加深我们对这些书的理解. 

I experienced a different kind of collaboration while working on 多边形. While there might only be one name on the byline, every article is the product of hours of cooperation between the writer, 访谈对象, 一节, 摄影, 复制和布局编辑器, 和女士. 艾伦(蕾切尔). 在一起, 所有这些人都把在一个忙碌的会议上喊出来的想法转化成我们每个月发表的文章. 他们所有不同的技能和想法的结合,确保我们分享最准确和最有趣的故事.


我们在保利的时候, 在我们班参与和领导的许多努力中,合作是必不可少的. 伴随着每一场音乐表演, 可靠的网堵平台实践, 剧院生产, 服务学习项目, 亲和小组会议, we learn so much from one another 和 in the process, 变得更加开放, 受过教育的, 和善良的.

仍然, collaboration was never just between our classmates, it was with every member of the community. 谢谢你! to our teachers for fostering our academic 和 extracurricular growth. Your passion 和 genuine care continues to inspire us. 感谢我们的院长和管理人员一直关心我们,为我们敞开大门. 谢谢你! to the staff for your sometimes unseen but never unappreciated work. 谢谢你! to the trustees for your stewardship. And thank you to our families for your unconditional love 和 support. 



Lastly, thank you to all of our friends 和 classmates. 谢谢你! for always showing up 和 supporting: on a Friday night, 你会坐满看台的, 教堂, or the theater to cheer on your friends at every game 和 performance, 在一个星期六的早晨, you’ll come to school 和 pack up food for community fridges. 谢谢你! for sharing your perspectives in discussions, 和 in long talks over the phone or on laps around the hallways. 谢谢你! for dancing in the library on the last day of classes. 谢谢你! for challenging us, making us laugh, 和 making us better people. 

In both my Latin 和 Philosophy classes with Mr. [Kent] Leeklymenko, he would always say, “Omnia disce. Videbis postea, nihil est superfluum.” Translated, this says, “Learn everything. Later you will see, nothing is superfluous.” As we leave behind the heights called Dyker, I hope we keep these words in mind. 我希望我们能继续我们在大学里在保利开始的多方面的教育,学习一切, 从我们已经是专家的领域到我们沿途发现的意想不到的激情. 超越学习本身, 我希望我们继续与未来的同学建立关系,尽可能地合作,形成这样的社区. No matter what your dreams for the future are, these communities will be essential to making them happen. 在我们展望未来的同时,我希望我们能继续我们在这里建立的联系. This moment may feel like an ending, but I believe it is only the beginning of a lifetime of working together. 所以请记住,这门课,这所学校,这些友谊将永远陪伴着我们. Later we will see, no collaboration is ever superfluous. 


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